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Automated invoice payment administration

“Colecta improves cash flow by systematically monitoring the status of invoice payments and encouraging prompt payment. This is achieved by sending an email, SMS reminder and a phone call to the customer in case of late payment or even shortly before the payment date. Reduce the cost of invoice payment management processes with Colecta!

How payment administration works

The invoice management process starts as soon as the due date approaches.

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1. Apmaksas termiņš

The client also has the possibility to inform his customers of the approaching due date (email or SMS).

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2. Email reminder

If the due date is missed, the invoice recipient receives a payment reminder (email or SMS).

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3. Phone call

Calling debtors is an essential element in order to achieve optimal results. It is an integral part of our solution (the timing of the call is determined by the client).

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4. Debt collection

The duration of the invoice management process depends on our client’s business, but in order to achieve results, we must not hesitate to start the debt collection process. For this reason, our client regularly offers to refer long-term defaulters to the debt collection service provided by our partners in each respective country.

The content and frequency of the reminders – emails, texts, phone calls – are tailored to each individual client.

How the cooperation with the client works


No payment information is required for cooperation, and there is no need to physically receive invoices or delivery notes.

Through delegation

All we need is a list of unpaid Invoices once every week or every second week.

Testimonials from our customers

I believe that you need someone who knows how to do it professionally. I would definitely recommend Colecta as a professional service provider that finds a quick and efficient solution to any problem. This ensures that payments are received on time and that the company delivers quality work.

Ēriks Beinarovičs Owner of Sels Ltd